Thursday, April 15, 2010

Books are for reading, not eating!

A few weeks ago my mom and I participated in our local public library's Read to Me LA program, which is a free program that teaches parents and caregivers how to read to their babies and preschool children and help them become successful readers. I loved watching all the kids participate with the librarian who led the workshop. Since then we've been reading at home. Some of my favorite books include:

Baby Tiger's Jungle Adventure Activity Book, by Manhattan Toy.

Shapes That Roll, by Karen Nagel.

Pajama Time, by Sandra Boynton.

Books have grown to be a popular commodity in our household. In fact, Jeffrey my dog took a liking to books too. Unfortunately, I don't think he understood the moral of the story.

And reading isn't just on top of our minds. Recently Gweneth Paltrow posted a list of some of her friends' favorite children's books on her site and it got us thinking: What are some of our friends' favorite books? We decided to poll them on Facebook and here's a list of the results (listed in alpha order by author's last name):

Baby Einstein Alphabooks; Aigner-Clar, Julie and Zaidi, Nadeem

How Many Kisses Do You Want Tonight?; Bajaj, Varsha and Bates, Ivan

Daisy Gets Dressed; Beaton, Clare

Madeline; Bemelmans, Ludwig

What’s Wrong, Little Pookie?; Boynton, Sandra

Going to Bed Book, The; Boynton, Sandra

Pajama Time; Boynton, Sandra

Belly Button Book; Boynton, Sandra

Am I Big or Little?; Bridges, Margaret Park

Flamingos on the Roof; Brown, Calef

Dutch Sneakers and Fleakeepers; Brown, Calef

Goodnight Moon; Brown, Margaret Wise

Biscuit; Capucilli, Alyssa Satin

Hungry Caterpillar, The; Carle, Eric

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (Read the poems interspersed throughout the book); Carrol, Lewis

Through The Looking Glass (Read the poems interspersed throughout the book); Carrol, Lewis

Today I Feel Silly and Other Moods That Make My Day; Curti, Jamie Lee

Little Prince, The; De Saint-Exupéry, Antoine

Bed Hogs; DiPucchio, Kelly S. and Fine, Howard

Gossie & Gertie; Dunrea, Olivier

Are You My Mother?*; Eastman, P.D.

Olivia*; Falconer, Ian

Daddy Mountain; Feiffer, Jules

Dirt on My Shirt; Foxworthy, Jeff

Soap Lady, The; French, Renee

I Know a Rhino; Fuge, Charles

Little Wombat books (series); Fuge, Charles

Dr. Suess (series) – Cat In The Hat, Green Eggs and Ham, Fox in Socks; Geisl, Theodor Suess

Everything Poops; Gomi, Taro

I Love the Night; Hosta, Dar

Counting Kisses; Katz, Karen

Ten Tiny Tickles; Katz, Karen

Peek-A Who?; Laden, Nina

If Kisses Were Colors; Lawler, Janet

Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See?; Martin Jr., Bill and Carle, Eric

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom; Martin Jr.. Bill

Guess How Much I Love You; McBratney, Sam and Jeram, Anita

I Love You Stinky Face*; McCourt, Lisa

Love You Forever*; Munsch, Robert

Fancy Nancy (series)*; O’Conner, Jane

Day the Babies Crawled Away, The; Rathmann, Peggy

Good Night, Gorilla; Rathmann, Peggy

Curious George; Rey, Margaret and H.A.

Ish; Reynolds, Peter

Dot, The; Reynolds, Peter

Richad Scarry Books; Scarry, Richard

The Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Tales; Scieszka, Jon

Where the Wild Things Are; Sendak, Maurice

Giving Tree, The***; Silverstein, Shel

Where the Sidewalk Ends; Silverstein, Shel

Falling Up; Silverstein, Shel

Good Night Sun, Hello Moon; Viola, Karen

Charlotte's Web; White, E.B.

Don’t Let the Pigeon Stay Up Late; Willems, Mo

Bear Wants More; Wilson, Karma

*Indicates if the book was recommended more than once.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome list!! We just picked up, "Cora cooks Pancit". The girls enjoy it b/c 1) Cora shares the same name as their Lola 2) they love pancit... not as relatable as I would like but works nonetheless!
