Friday, January 29, 2010

Hello, My Name is...

Izzy bon Storm. Welcome to my blog. Since I'm only 3-months old, my mom pens this blog for me. We thought it would be fun to create a blog to keep our family and friends posted on our daily shenanigans, and to give other moms and dads our two cents on products and services we've tried.

Before we begin, let's just get one thing straight. My name is Izzy, and it's not short for Isabel or Isabella, it's just "Izzy." My parents happened to like the name "Izzy," and in the words of my dad, "It sounds punk rock *fist in the air*!" While we're on the subject, here are other names I've been "nicked" since my birth..

Popeye - My mom posted this picture of me on Facebook, and Auntie LeeAnn commented with "She's Popeye," and it kind of stuck. I tend to keep one eye closed at times. Sometimes people think I'm winking or squinting with just one eye, but I can't help it. Let's just say, "I am what I am."

Bon - My (Grand)Papa started calling me "Izzy bon" a couple of months ago. I'm not sure how it came about, but it means "good" in French.

Bagyo - It means "storm" in Tagalog, and it's another nickname my Papa gave me. There's been lots of rain in Los Angeles these last couple of weeks, and it just so happened that whenever I would get dropped off at Papa and Lola's (grandma's) house, there would be a storm. Papa started asking Lola, "So when's our little storm coming?"

Snooki - The name derives from the annoying character from the MTV show "Jersey Shore." My Uncle Mike started calling me "Snooki" because she would make this sound that sounded like a whine/cry -- "Eeehhh" and that's the same sound I make when I complain.

Izzy Pop - Uncle Rico calls me Izzy Pop, a spin off of "Iggy Pop".

And of course, I've been called the usual terms of endearment, pumpkin, sweetie, honey, baby, boo boo, etc. So why Izzy bon Storm? Well, why not! Besides, it sounds punk rock *fist in the air*!

Song:"Los Angeles" by X.
xIzzy bon Stormx

P. S. Hot damn! My mom just created her first iMovie!


  1. I love this blog! So very cute! Great, Iz is going to resent me for the Popeye comment 10 years from now. ha!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Ok, you're first video should not be panning shots of your crotch. Have mom adjust that in iMovie. Welcome to the blogoshere Iz.

  4. Uncle Ron - My dad said the same thing!
